Monday, August 6, 2007

Bulletin: Mayor Trainer Needs Your Help NOW

Tomorrow morning, Haldimand Council will present a repugnant bit of skullduggery cooked up by behind the Mayor’s back with the help of some councillors and county staff. This treachery takes the form of a resolution that removes all privacy between you and your mayor. Here is an excerpt:

BE IT RESOLVED; THAT ALL correspondence sent and received through the Mayor’s office including all e-mail addressed to the Mayor by title or name, be copied to all councilors as well as the County Clerk;

AND THAT the Mayor’s assistant implement this direction for all hard copy correspondence;

You got it. Council wants copies of everything sent to and from the Mayor! Of course, they aren’t suggesting that copies of their messages be subject to this odious rule, only the Mayor’s.

In addition to violating the privacy between you and your Mayor, Council is seeking to dramatically undermine her role as the CEO of Haldimand, a post for which she was duly elected. It is un-democratic and it cannot be allowed to succeed.

Read the full story here. Much more at

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