Monday, August 27, 2007

Asians, Blacks, Europeans, Jews etc., Go Home!

Originally published August 16, 2006. Republished August 27th, 2007 as evidence of the Native Supremacy Movement in Ontario.

As a Canadian we don’t normally have to read such vulgar hate speech expressed against other Canadians. Certainly we support the rights of all Canadians and the whole reason this site was created was to ensure that all people are equal under the Law.

We do not agree that Natives have the right to discriminate against others nor do they have the right to spread hatred.

The fact remains however, that many Natives are against Asians, Blacks, Mexicans, Jews and Europeans and are demanding that they leave Canada - ‘Go Back to Where You Came From’ is their expression.

Our Governments have been wilfully lying to us over the years about the nature of many Native people. Even in Caledonia the Government is creating an Educational Program as part of the land claim - I don’t know what education has to do with a land claim that you already have decided is invalid. According to Hazel Hill this educational program is to address the racism of non-native people.

Once again the Ontario Government will go around telling everyone the Natives are right and we are racist.

Well, we say B.S. to that. We are not the ones calling for all Asians, all Blacks, all Jews etc. to get out of Canada. We are not the ones saying Canada isn’t a Country and that Canada has no authority to create a Constitution or Criminal Code.

How about an educational program teaching Natives that they are subject to our laws - something they don’t believe? How about educating Natives that other people have Rights, that other People are Human, that other People should not be assaulted and intimidated.

How dare Natives call upon Asians to get out of Canada. How dare Natives call Blacks white and tell them to get out of Canada.

We have seen the Natives in Caledonia fly Palestinian flags and march in Toronto in support of the terrorist group Hezbollah. [link][link]

Read the full story here

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