Sunday, April 29, 2007

OPP have a clear choice in dealing with Tyendinaga Mohawk police chief Larry Hay

Suspended Police Chief Larry Hay of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Police Services once said, that an injustice cannot be remedied by the rule of law. His recent suspension, in which this publication played a small part, serves only to highlight the difference in philosophies that exist on either side of the figurative barricades when it comes to policing and justice.

Peacekeeping is not a new word to most Canadians. Few of us though, think of it in terms of policing. But, it is the case for First Nations police officers and the people being served by them. Traditional policing practices are about law enforcement, about laying a charge and bringing a criminal before the courts. First Nations policing has a different take, one that believes the law should be the last house on the block…

Read the full story here


Anonymous said...

Larry Hay is not employed by the OPP, but by the Band Council.

You played absolutely no part in his suspension, McHale.

Jeff Parkinson said...

I am not Gary McHale.

At no point has Gary McHale made any claim of responsibility for the suspension of Larry Hay.