Friday, August 24, 2007

Sloat leads Charge to Read Mayor’s Email

By Gary McHale -

According to the Mayor it is Mr. Sloat who is directing council to pass the motion to read the Mayor’s Email. Mr. Sloat attempted to clarify this point by getting Mr. Pearce to state that Sloat wasn’t the one behind the motion.

But is wasn’t too hard to see which council member was leading the charge because Mr. Sloat made the debate over the motion very personal – directly attacking the Mayor and her staff.

While Bartlett, Boyko and even Grice tried to find a middle ground it was clear Mr. Sloat would settle for nothing but all emails in his hands.

When Bartlett and Boyko presented the argument that no one wanted to read the Mayor’s email, Sloat was clear – I want her Emails.

Mr. Sloat’s argument was he missed an event that the Mayor went to and that was because she didn’t give him the email. The Mayor’s answer is that her staff forwards all emails that are either labelled Mayor & Councilor or includes a request to another council member.

I guess Mr. Sloat didn’t think that maybe this event he is so concerned about didn’t have his name on it in the email. Maybe the person who invited the Mayor didn’t include Mr. Sloat’s name and that is why he didn’t get a copy.

Mr. Sloat is an experienced council member and I would ask why he cannot get people in his riding to email him directly instead of going through the Mayor? He does have an email account so why not ask why the person in his riding failed to email Mr. Sloat directly – maybe because Mr. Sloat wasn’t invited.

Mr. Sloat claims that he had nothing to do with creating the motion. Somehow his views are the ones expressed in the motion and somehow it just happens to be a personal problem he claims to be having with the Major but he didn’t help create the motion.

Read the full story here. Much more at

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