Originally published January 1, 2007. Republished as further evidence of the Native Supremacy Movement in Ontario August 27, 2007
So far to date I have avoided talking about Religion and how it plays a role in Caledonia and in spreading of hate within the Native Community.
Allow me first to state my own personal beliefs, which I have avoided to do because many groups are quick to use the racist card to make themselves look like victims.
I am not spending any time on Muslim Extremists since the topic has been well covered since 911, other than to say that no group should be judged by the actions of the Extremists who have hijacked the religion to further their cause.
It is easy for people to identify Christian Extremists (KKK) and Muslim Extremists (Bin Laden) but for many there is no such thing as Native Extremists. Since no one group is perfect and human nature itself is such that there will be some in every group who hate, then logic forces us to accept that there would be Extremists within Native groups.
The fact that Native people cannot see that there are Native Extremists only points to how serious the issue is. Go back 100 years and ask the people of the deep south in the US whether the KKK was a Christian Extremist group or not. I am sure the vast majority would have said no. When Extremists control the culture then the situation is completely out of control.
This is the way it is within the Native community today. The few who have their own hatred, their own political agenda, their own power struggles have hijacked Native Spiritual beliefs to justify spreading violence and hatred.
I was raised a complete Atheist and became a Christian in my early twenties. I am not a Christian because my parents were but because I chose to be one. As such my beliefs are part of who Gary McHale is and in no way should be understood that somehow I am perfect (clearly I have character flaws) or better than anyone else.
I will admit that I have zero understanding of Native spiritual beliefs and next to zero about Muslim beliefs. However, I believe my own understanding of Christianity and human nature permits me to cover the topic at hand.
Every group has it’s own Extremists - whether these groups are based on Race, Religion, etc., human nature appears to be that there always will be some who see themselves as supreme which then is taken to the extreme.
What do I mean by Extremists
Being devoted to one’s beliefs is not being Extremist. Non-believers may see you as being extreme because your behavior doesn’t match the cultural norms. For example, there are groups that don’t drink tea or coffee which may appear to be foolish and extreme to some but devotion to one’s beliefs is in fact what all Religions in the world seek to produce.
By my view Extremism by definition hijacks their religious belief system to further their hatred and cause. When this occurs it is easy to paint all people who hold a particular religious view as being the same.
The whole idea of White Supremacy based on Christian teaching is itself an oxymoron. These people don’t start with a strong Christian belief and then turn to hate. At best they have a very weak Christian view but their hatred controls how they see the world and Christian teachings.
The very fact that right at the beginning of the Bible it states God created all men in His image shows just how quickly these people of hate refuse to accept what they claim to believe.
Since I got involved in the events in Caledonia I have heard repeatedly Native protesters talking about the Great Peacemaker and how their protest is peaceful (again devotion to one’s spiritual beliefs is great).
Jesus once said, “you will know them by their fruits” or in modern words, “Actions speak louder than words”. To claim to follow something called “Great Peacemaker” while your group attacks seniors, burns down a bridge, attempts to murder a cop is hypocracy at the highest level.
It is like the KKK hanging a black man just after the preacher quotes Jesus telling people to love their neighbor.
The problem is so pervasive at this moment of history that many Canadians and the Government are not seeing that Native Extremists as just as bad as Muslim Extremists. Everyone reading this would see that if a Muslim group dug up the highway, blocked railway lines, destroyed the power station, attacked residents and attempted to kill a cop the Government would immediately declare them a terrorist cell and arrest everyone one of them. And certainly if a group of peope claiming to be KKK did these actions they would be arrested before the end of the day.
But just like the deep south 100 years ago, our governments & police forces have been influenced by the Native Extremist propaganda of hate and threats of violence.
Read the full story here
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