Saturday, July 14, 2007

Uranium protesters win support; Algonquins blockade mine site with a little help from their friends

The smell of campfire and fresh coffee hangs low in the afternoon heat here at this abandoned tremolite mine where about a dozen Algonquins have been hunkered down in protest for the last two weeks.A small child rides his bicycle in the gravel, the sound of crunching rocks fading as he weaves between trailers and outhouses, while the grownups chat in the shade underneath a dark tent. A towering grey structure, used during the mine’s operational days, now bears the Algonquin’s red flag, as does the wire-mesh gate guarding the site. The words “No Surrender” hang over the gate on a wooden panel in neon-orange spray paint.

This land has been claimed. (Edit: OCCUPIED)

“We aren’t going anywhere,” says Doreen Davis, the Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nations chief. “As Algonquins, we have a duty to protect the land. We have no choice.”

What the protesters want from Queen’s Park is a declared moratorium on mining. Asked how long they’d be willing to wait, Davis immediately says “forever.”

Read the full story here


granny said...

would you please post the source of these stories.
Pretty serious violation of copyright!

Jeff Parkinson said...

As I'm sure you know since you're obsessed with my sites, when you click ANY outgoing link in a story you will always find full credit to the original source.

What's the matter Granny? Nobody visiting your site so you need to scour mine to pass your time?

Look on the bright side :) Maybe someone will see this and visit your pro terrorist site which is very thinly veiled as being about land claims from here.

If you do visit Granny's blog, be sure to ask her how condoning kidnapping and torture fits into her big plan for peace.

granny said...

kidnapping and torture ... you ARE losing it jeff!

Jeff Parkinson said...

You know I wouldn't have said it if I didn't have printed proof to back it up Granny.

This conversation is finished