Monday, June 25, 2007

Bergstrand acclaimed Haldimand-Norfolk Liberal candidate

Lorraine Bergstrand’s top-four issues are Six Nations, tobacco growers, Ontario Power Generation and farming.As the acclaimed provincial Liberal candidate for Haldimand-Norfolk riding, she says she will sit down with members of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s cabinet to be briefed on all issues.

Bergstrand is in the midst of reading the Ipperwash Inquiry report. She advised everyone in the county to read it because it throws a lot of understanding on how the Caledonia site was handled by the provincial government and the Ontario Provincial Police.
As the Haldimand-Norfolk MPP, Bergstrand said she would apply pressure using her people skills to expedite resolution in a way everyone can live with.

Read the full story here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to find out from Lorraine Bergstrand what her stand is on the DCE land Claim,in particular the native side.

Lorraine Bergstrand was mayor in 2002 when her council passed a by-law that gave the full okay and blessing to build homes on that land.

What is her excuse for that decision? Did they in fact work close with the natives at that time? I am interested in hearing her response on that!